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When Love Becomes a Cage by Nora

Chapter 93
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Chapter 92 Chapter 92 All afternoon, my mind was elsewhere, haunted by Freya's words.

Merritt certainly had a knack for things; not only had Kayla's evidence vanished into thin air, but even the buzz online seemed to have been scrubbed clean.

In the Patterson family, a child's mother must be spotless, after all.

When Clyde walked into the office, I was zoning out in front of my computer.

Freya's face flashed before my eyes again. She seemed to have such a passion, such a sense of justice for everything and everyone.

Even though she knew I was in on the secret, she didn't pressbut decided to investigate on her own. Cops like her are rare indeed.

"Melanie, ready to head home? I've cto pick you up." Clyde's smile was gentle, his voice much softer than usual.

Colleagues who hadn't left yet turned to stare at us as if they'd seen a ghost.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Three years of marriage, and this was the first the'd cto the office to pickup. Despite working in the scompany, he had always ignored me. There were always other women by his side, coming to pick him up.

Ignoring the gossip-hungry glances from my colleagues, I packed up and stood. But before I could walk over, Kayla had already latched onto Clyde's arm.

"Clyde, let's go home." she said in a sweet tone.

Now living in the Patterson Mansion, she clearly felt superior, her words a challenge thrown my way.

I pretended not to notice, sitting back down to call for a ride.

It was peak hour, and the wait for a car was long.

Clyde, breaking his usual pattern, pushed her away. "Kayla, please have sdignity. You go to your home, I'm here for my wife." If he had shown this attitude towards Kayla from the start, I might have been touched.

Now, it all just seemed hypocritical, remindingof how he had pushedaside to go after Kayla instead. Many were about to leave but now lingered at the door, eager for .

Kayla, trying to save face, quickly invoked Merritt. "Your grandfather asked you to take good care of me. Don't forget, upsettingaffects the entire Patterson family." She didn't outright say she was pregnant, but her actions and tone made it obvious, sparking whispers among the onlookers.

"Merritt said so? Maybe Kayla really has risen in rank?" "Shouldn't be, Mr. Patterson cfor Melanie, right? Maybe Kayla's bluffing?" "What if she's pregnant? Look at how she's holding her waist." Kayla was indeed thin, her posture revealing nothing of a pregnancy.

Yet her actions throughout the day were clearly meant to broadcast she was pregnant with Clyde's child. Clyde, pulling her aside, also broughtalong.

At the end of the corridor, he glared at her fiercely. "I told you, just have the child and you'll be set for life. Stop causing trouble!" "If you dare stir things up again, or mention this to anyone, I'll make sure your family suffers!" His expression was terrifying, making Kayla step back in fear.

She immediately looked at Clyde with a pitiful gaze, "Clyde..." Cort to You're better off restinget o the logistics deporte tomorrow." A demotion for Kayla meant menial tasks in logistics.

I couldn't help but glance at Clyde. He was indeed ruthless.

Without giving Kayla a chance to retort, he pulledtowards the car.

Only in the car did his mood seem to settle.

"I saw that young cop looking for you at lunch?" "Yeah, we had lunch together." He was bound to know about anyone looking for me; I had no intention of hiding it.

The Pattersons, bold in their actions, should fear no investigation.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I relayed the story without embellishment or exaggeration.

Clyde pulled the car over, closing his eyes for a moment before looking atwith a pained expression. "Melanie, don't hate me." "I don't hate you, really." My gaze was soft, seeing through him to the boy who used to help my parents, and that was enough for me.

He clasped my hand tightly, apologizing for letting Kayla becpregnant.

But I didn't care anymore because had wronged him too. I would never be able to give him children in this ναός lifetime.

"Clyde, let's just go home." Eager to change the subject, I avoided further apologies. "What's York's angle in visiting the company? Did your grandfather mention him?" "Yeah."

Clyde seemed disheartened, parking the car in the garage before speaking again. "York was someone grandfather groomed as a successor, but then I cback." I hadn't expected such a twist, no wonder York had suddenly acted out.

With Clyde's business flourishing, York would never have a chance at never a leading the Patterson Group. "Don't worry, you're his blood kin, grandfather won't hand the company to someone else. Maybe he's just balancing Kayla and York against each other." It seemed the most logical explanation I could muster.

But Clyde shook his head, deflated.

"Grandfather just wants a suitable successor. He cares a lot about appearances." "If it's his flesh and blood, all the better, but if not, it seems that doesn't matter either." X