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When There Is Nothing Left But Love (Ashton And Scarlett)

Chapter 226
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Chapter 226

His brows were knitted tightly as he drummer the table with his fingers and only looked at me after a long

time. “We’ve considered this possibility previously, but if we want to get involved in the Il teld, we need

their help. Neverline the person you doubt and never doubt ihe person you

Nodding, I took a glance at him. “It can india batch of clits localicchunicians and guarantee to make a

breakthrough in the Alticla, would you dare to give itay”

He trocfor a moment before letting out a smile “llow can you be so sure?”

“I’m not, but I want to give it a shot!” If this project is swetensil, I’d probably have a revay to go up against

the Moore jail

After all, most of the Moore family’s success in the business world was attributed to teclunology:

Marcus kept silent for a moment before he nodded “Go ahead.”

Almost all of the higher-ups of White Corporation were in the moung room, including Sally When she saw

me, she turtowed her brows slightly, but her pression was back to normal almost immediately

Marcus told me to take a scat, then gou up to turn on the projector “Let me introduce the person who just

came in with me. This is Scarlet Stovall. I have appointed her as Whic Corporation’s project director, and

she will be in charge of the company’s Al project from now on”

I commotion broke out in the mccung room in an instant. Someone questionca, Mr. Whic, even though

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the project directors position is currently empty: White Corporation isn’t like other small companies. Nor

anyone can take on this role. Besides, were all here today to discuss it we should continue with the

research on All We haven’t even huishoid our discussion and yet you have already made a decision.

Don’you think you’re being a linie liasis. Mr White?”

Marcus nodded his head slowly and raised his brows. “Aml”lesmurked, showing his unruly side. “It

seems like all of you are used to being ovcrambitious. That’s why you think the people you

recommended are more competent, isn’t it? This isn’t a problem for me. If you feel that you have

someone who is much more capable than Scarleit to take on this responsibility, you can make your

recommendations anytime. My only goal is for Alto be introduced to our country market within a year”

Somcone replied, “Does that mean we won’t be discussing whether were conunung with the il project?”

llc nodded, “Yes. Within a year, it all of you decide that Stanlett suitable to manage this project, you can

recommend someone else. Buitenpollo Nce results in a car Otherwise, dont waste my time”

“Alright” Sally said. The soll demeanor she had an the White residence was nowhere to be seen, and

she resembled a lady boss as she spoke, “We’ve already invested billions in this Al project



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And if she imat, WC



e m the mom e nt lances with each other before they


t era non, contefall und Sunceli Fuller has w ould


can achieve our goual. However, if we tal, y s will go to waste and Stovall will have to compensate for

lo hatterle


and a re theint, cantaranypogree with the il project after a year, I will

e n that White Corporation attered due to the pract,”


Hablonce opted Which prominent family are you from Is Stovall? Did you come to White Quotation

evenience hre White Corporation mess at least a billion per year in 1 research. It buy for you to say that

you’ll bear the lowes for it. But the corporation will be theme paring at you leave by then

Opereurbel by his harsh wen I put on a faint smile. I’m willing to hand over HiTech to you s ateral Iture of

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

you believe me we can gna contract. In the case that our drevarch deest make any progrew atter a year,

then HiTech will be placed under the ownership of White

Drenthera Tech toracienda bax company the new product they developed were hasen und the source or

ruller Corporation prooi cume me from HiTech

when Gourge put Hitach under my name. he wanted to

m ore than thod and I would besar glad for the m ap our live lil wanted to get a divorce. I had to make

sure that IUNI the legal owner of the company anymore. But the process entremely troučesome

Everyone in the room began murmuring nong themselves except for She genced it ne Sexi Fren met 1

limon li Stor cren though your te wise of Ever Corpor20003 prordeni, vou don’t have the righas over

HiTech Doat you think are out a birde 200

mbitious here:

“You much noc khotha Wi Fuller but while HiTech is indeed under the F er Coopez1000, George zready

arranged a lawyer to transfer the company to me before he passed on two years quo. To be precise. I’m

the leg orner of HiTecia though it is under the Fuler Corpora000.it deeat lege belong to the Fuller farmi

Ferface dartened, but she said nothing else.

of them could not find anything to pick on after they beard wiat I said If Hi Tech was under the White

Corporabon, there would be more technical resources availab’z. At the same time the company would ns

to a whole new level