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Winning Her Heart back (Emelie and William)

Chapter 497
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Chapter 497 Congratulations, Mr. Middleton

William pressed harder against her, not letting her path him away.

say you e

He said, “What's wrong with using a little strategy to pursue the person 1 Hike? Didn't you say not for me?”

i could accept a bit of scheming between adults? Why was it okay for Samuel bur

Emelie couldn't believe he was using that as an excuse. “Don’t twist my words! Those aren’t the sthing!”

“How is it not? And didn’t you say that everything before putting on the ring would be water under the bridge?

Doesn't this count too?” William said.

For the first tin her life, Emelie was so furious that she couldn't form a response. How dare he claims that his

manipulative actions were just because he liked ber?

He hid his true nature and pretended to change just to win her over. He even manipulated public opinion and

caused trouble for her dad. They were all a part of his strategy to pursue her

Was she expected to forgive him for everything just because he liked her and because she said that everything

before putting on the ring was water under the bridge?

Emelie gripped his shirt tightly, feeling a sharp pain in her stomach.

“Her stomach always hurt when she was emotional Hence, it hurt like crazy as she was furious at him. It was just

like him to render her speechless in their arguments.

She tried to break free with all her might. “Letgo, William! Letgo!”

William noticed that her face was pale and thought that she was suffering from hunger pains.

He grabbed her wrist and draped her out of the cabin. “Eat something”

Emelie grabbed the door frwith her other hand, causing a loud bang as they struggled,

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Lyle, who was outside, heard the noise and immediately walked over, seeing them in a standoff at the doorway.

Emelie stared at Willam for a few seconds.

As she exhaled, she forced herself to calm down. “If | help you find that ledger, will you let my mom andgo?!

Since they met, she had mentioned the ledger numerous times. She also kept on insisting on leaning

William returned her a stare “Is that all you have to say to me?

Emelie replied with a mocking laugh. “What else is there to say?”

“There's plenty,” William said calmly. “The busy period of my business at the start of the year is over. We can

start planning our wedding now. Since you've quit Swanson Corporation, you can focus on preparing for a baby

after our marriage. Previously, you suggested having a child, and I think it's a good idea”

Emelie was stunned by his words. “Are you crazy?

He wanted her to have a wedding and a baby with him?

“In your dreams!” She forcefully pulled her hand away

William grabbed her again, holding her tightly. “We can discuss this at home. For now, eat something.”

“I don’t have a hwith you!” she yelled.

Emelie denied everything between them without hesitation. If she could turn back tto that rainy night four

years ago, she would never have gotten into his car. If she had done that, they wouldn't be entangled with each


“No matter how you twist things, we're not married until we get the certificate. | won’t have a wedding with you,

and | won't have a child with you!“* Emelie said.

Given his power and status, he could probably produce a fake marriage certificate. Hence, she added, “If you try

to force me, I'll kill myself”

William's eyes darkened, and he tightened his grip on her hand. “Why are you resorting to such tactics? When

did you learn to play these stupid games?

“I've always been stupid! | wasn, |

wouldn't have believed you liked me

since high school just because oe

story Elena Qld] Whufdr? have

rished Ye) to Capebatt City

overight to search for love letters in a

pile of junk. And | wouldn't have

waited for you at the town entrance

because | was moved by your

words!” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

With that, she violently shook his hand off.

This time, William didn’t grab her again

Emelle, her breathing heavy and labored from anger, curled her lips into a sneer.

With bloodshot eyes, she said, “William, you must have laughed atfor being blinded by your love, and for

obeying you without question

She had thought infidelity and

shifting affections were the worst

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

things that could happey b&tiweeh

[el .

them However, She now realized that

the deceit and manipulation that

happened after their reconciliation

would end their relationship. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

“Anyway, if | die, you can finally report

to the other three families that the

Pierce family is cqniplete wiped but,

: I

with nolsrIf o threaten your

positions. Congratulations, Me. x

Middleton, you can rest peacefully Frye nd

i i i i YOUR

now!” Emelie said, mocking him. The HEARING

content is on novelenglish.net! Read po

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the latest chapter there! Solin
