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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 795
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Chapter 795

“What's wrong with this frame?” Arissa complained, frowning at the frame in her hand.

She had been trying to snap it shut for the past few minutes.

“Let me see,” Benjamin said.

He took the frame from her hand and fiddled with it. The frame snapped shut with a soft click.

“Wow, Mr. Graham! You're amazing!” Jasper cheered.

The other children turned to look at Benjamin. Their faces were bright with wonder.

Pride bloomed in Benjamin's chest.

It is the greatest joy to be complimented by children who are known for their naïve honesty.

Arissa laughed. “Graham is amazing indeed! I couldn't do it even after trying for so long!”

Benjamin's eyes flickered. He leaned closer to Arissa and whispered into her ear, “I've got more tricks up my


His lips were close enough to brush her cheek, and his warm breath tickled her ear.

Arissa's face turned pink. He's teasing me! Oh, kill me!

She glanced sideways at him and quickly looked away again when her eyes met his fiery gaze.

Benjamin smirked.

The two of them then turned their attention back to their children and the frames.

The six children each hugged the frames, holding their certificates and artwork to their chests.

“Come on, Sweethearts! Strike a pose! Mommy wants to take a picture of all of you together!”

“Wait, Mommy! I'm not posing properly yet!”

“Mommy, should we hold the frames in front of us?”

The children were bouncing about excitedly. Arissa nodded and said, “Yes, hold the frames out in front of you!”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Once the children had all settled into a pose, she snapped a few pictures. “How handsome!”

The children beamed happily.

“Mommy, come here! Let's take a picture with you. Daddy can help us snap the picture!” Gavin waved Arissa over

to where they were standing.

Arissa hurried over to the kids. She stood behind them and wrapped her arms around them.

“Help us take a picture, Graham!”

Benjamin snapped a few pictures of Arissa and her children. He scratched his nose self-consciously and walked over

to join them.

“Help me take one with the children, too!” He handed his phone to Arissa.

Arissa smiled and snapped a few pictures of Benjamin and the children.

“Mommy, let's take a picture together with Daddy!”

Arissa saw her son's pleading face and walked over to them.

“Ethen, come over here for a minute!” Benjamin called out.

Ethan hurried over to them. “Yes, Mr. Graham!”

“Help us take a picture!” Benjamin grabbed Arissa's phone and handed it to Ethen.

Ethen moved back so that he could fit all of them into the frame.

Benjamin wrapped one arm around Arissa and placed the other on Jesse's shoulder.

“Ready?” Ethen looked at the happy family posing before him.

Joy flooded his heart.

“Yes!” shouted the children in unison.

Arissa nodded. “We're ready!”

“Ready!” Benjamin said.

“I'm taking the picture now!” Ethen said, snapping a few more shots of the family.

“Show me the picture!”

Zachary ran over to Ethen and tugged at his hand.

The other children followed close behind.

Ethen knelt down. The children crowded around him as he showed them the photos that he had just taken.

“This is a bad picture! Zachary's eyes were closed!”

“We look so good here! This is a good one!”

“I look so handsome!”

Hearing the delight and pride in the children's voices, Arissa was amused.

She called out, “Okay, stop admiring yourselves! Let's go hang up these frames!”

The children quickly abandoned Ethen and ran over to Arissa with their frames.

Arissa and Benjamin led the way.

“Let me do it!”

Benjamin was a tall man. It would be easy for him to hang the frames up at a good height. Ethen hurried over to

them with a hammer and nails. Arissa took the frames from the children and handed them over to Benjamin.

Edwin and Jack came over as well to lend Benjamin a hand.

Benjamin arranged and hung up the children's certificates first before hanging their artwork.

It was a beautifully arranged display.

Arissa was surprised by Benjamin's creative eye.

If she had been the one to arrange the frames, they would all have been hung in one straight row.

The children applauded with joy as the wall display began to come together.

“So beautiful!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I'm taking tha pictura now!” Ethan said, snapping a faw mora shots of tha family.

“Show ma tha pictura!”

Zachary ran ovar to Ethan and tuggad at his hand.

Tha othar childran followad closa bahind.

Ethan knalt down. Tha childran crowdad around him as ha showad tham tha photos that ha had just takan.

“This is a bad pictura! Zachary's ayas wara closad!”

“Wa look so good hara! This is a good ona!”

“I look so handsoma!”

Haaring tha dalight and prida in tha childran's voicas, Arissa was amusad.

Sha callad out, “Okay, stop admiring yoursalvas! Lat's go hang up thasa framas!”

Tha childran quickly abandonad Ethan and ran ovar to Arissa with thair framas.

Arissa and Banjamin lad tha way.

“Lat ma do it!”

Banjamin was a tall man. It would ba aasy for him to hang tha framas up at a good haight. Ethan hurriad ovar to

tham with a hammar and nails. Arissa took tha framas from tha childran and handad tham ovar to Banjamin.

Edwin and Jack cama ovar as wall to land Banjamin a hand.

Banjamin arrangad and hung up tha childran's cartificatas first bafora hanging thair artwork.

It was a baautifully arrangad display.

Arissa was surprisad by Banjamin's craativa aya.

If sha had baan tha ona to arranga tha framas, thay would all hava baan hung in ona straight row.

Tha childran applaudad with joy as tha wall display bagan to coma togathar.

“So baautiful!”