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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 804
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Chapter 804

Arissa's face ran red to the ears as the mention of a doctor by Benjamin reminded her of Shaun. “No. I don't need

to see a doctor!” she promptly declined.

“I need you to work with me here because I can't get away right now,” said Benjamin in his deep voice. He had left

the house for an early meeting and had yet to wrap things up on that front.

He even had to get Edwin to help drop the children off at school.

“I've already taken a bath and am feeling much better already. Seriously, you don't have to send the doctor.”

Arissa was quite self-conscious about the idea of being examined by a doctor, even if she was another woman.

Much less could be said of a male doctor who she knew personally, as she found that to be an extremely unsettling


She presumed that it was Shaun who would be sent to her, thus she felt the need to reiterate her stance.

“Soak for a little longer, and add a few drops of essential oil,” Benjamin recommended.


Looking around, Arissa then added a couple of drops of essential oil from a bottle she managed to find.

“Stay in there for half an hour, get some food in you when you come out, and go to sleep,” Benjamin added.

“Got it,” she answered in the affirmative. “You should get back to it!”

“Yeah,” Benjamin replied before he hung up.

Pausing for a quick check, Arissa stood up from the bath water when the time was almost up. Her condition was

much improved compared to when she had just awoken.

She slipped into her bathrobe, brushed her teeth, and washed her face before she stepped out of the bathroom.

Heading to the door, she opened it to retrieve the food Edwin had left outside.

Noticing how messy the sheets were, she then hastened to gather them up and had them replaced with a fresh set.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Once she had the room tidied up, she opened the windows to let the sun into the room. That helped make things

cozier for her.

Then, she plopped herself down on the couch. Judging from the food Edwin prepared for her, it occurred to her that

it was aimed at being nutritious over everything else.

Twitching her lips, she then proceeded to tuck into the pumpkin soup.

She had just about finished it when Edwin came upstairs with the doctor in tow.

“Mrs. Graham!”

Arissa went quickly to the door when Edwin knocked and was momentarily stunned when she noticed the woman

beside him.

“Who is this, Edwin?”

“This is Dr. Liane Leal. She has come here at Mr. Graham's request, so please allow her to examine you!”

“Oh!” Arissa replied, deeply embarrassed. “I'm perfectly fine, so there's really no need for that!”

“Do let me have a look at you, Mrs. Graham. If nothing else, it would help set Mr. Graham's mind at ease. Besides, I

wouldn't know how to answer him otherwise!”

As Liane carried herself professionally and harbored no ulterior motives, Arissa could only regard her apologetically.

“I still think that it isn't necessary!”

How awkward it is to be looked at by a doctor.

“I think we probably should, Mrs. Graham, just to be on the safe side. Please do a thorough job of it, Dr. Leal! I'll be

downstairs should you need anything.”

Being aware that Arissa was self-conscious, Edwin promptly took his leave.

Liane's entrance made Arissa very uncomfortable indeed.

“There's nothing you need to worry about, Mrs. Graham. Just take it as a simple gynecological check-up. Would you

mind lying down and removing your pants first?”

Despite being as embarrassed as she was, Arissa felt obliged to play along after witnessing the doctor's degree of

professionalism and the medical instruments the latter had already brought out.

Her face was as red as a lobster throughout the entire process, and she was unable to look the doctor straight in

the eye.

“We're done. You may get dressed now!”

Liane gathered up her things, leaving behind only a jar of cream.

“Everything is fine in there, Mrs. Graham, but there is some tearing on the outside. Just apply this cream several

times each day. It should be able to help,” Liane advised.

“Understood. Thank you, Dr. Leal!” The blushing Arissa nodded.

Liane was a middle-aged woman. Noting Arissa's embarrassment, she chuckled softly.

“It's quite rare for Mr. Graham to be this concerned for any particular woman, so I'm glad that we were finally able

to meet in person today.”

“Hmm?” Arissa lifted her head to regard her.

Smiling, Liane added, “Benjamin previously asked me to recommend some traditional medication. Have you been

sticking to the prescribed regimen lately?”

“I have!” replied Arissa sheepishly.

In actuality, she had skipped out on them for the past few days while she was out looking for her children and had

only resumed when she returned.

“Remember to take them with regularity! We'll do a check-up once the current course of treatment has been

completed. Then, I'll make the necessary adjustments for you accordingly.”

Liane packed her things and got up to leave. “Do practice safe sex, and take care while you are still on your meds!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Arissa could really use a hole to bury herself in.

Benjamin didn't use any condoms last night, but surely I won't end up pregnant, will I?

Har faca was as rad as a lobstar throughout tha antira procass, and sha was unabla to look tha doctor straight in

tha aya.

“Wa'ra dona. You may gat drassad now!”

Liana gatharad up har things, laaving bahind only a jar of craam.

“Evarything is fina in thara, Mrs. Graham, but thara is soma taaring on tha outsida. Just apply this craam savaral

timas aach day. It should ba abla to halp,” Liana advisad.

“Undarstood. Thank you, Dr. Laal!” Tha blushing Arissa noddad.

Liana was a middla-agad woman. Noting Arissa's ambarrassmant, sha chucklad softly.

“It's quita rara for Mr. Graham to ba this concarnad for any particular woman, so I'm glad that wa wara finally abla

to maat in parson today.”

“Hmm?” Arissa liftad har haad to ragard har.

Smiling, Liana addad, “Banjamin praviously askad ma to racommand soma traditional madication. Hava you baan

sticking to tha prascribad ragiman lataly?”

“I hava!” rapliad Arissa shaapishly.

In actuality, sha had skippad out on tham for tha past faw days whila sha was out looking for har childran and had

only rasumad whan sha raturnad.

“Ramambar to taka tham with ragularity! Wa'll do a chack-up onca tha currant coursa of traatmant has baan

complatad. Than, I'll maka tha nacassary adjustmants for you accordingly.”

Liana packad har things and got up to laava. “Do practica safa sax, and taka cara whila you ara still on your mads!”

Arissa could raally usa a hola to bury harsalf in.

Banjamin didn't usa any condoms last night, but suraly I won't and up pragnant, will I?